Jeffrey A. Rogers, CPMBC is a graduate of Le Moyne College with a B.S. in Marketing and Business Management. As a business owner in the green and construction industry for over 30 years, Jeff saw a need for support and proven systems business owners and managers could rely on building their respective businesses. Understanding the many hats business owners wear in small and midsized businesses, Jeff saw the Gap and the need for improvement.
Often, business owners and managers find themselves over-tasked on a daily basis resulting in real burnout. They find themselves working so hard in the business, they forget or cannot work on the business. Jeffrey Rogers decided to take action and help business owners and managers find focus, clarity, and peace of mind. Jeff has a unique ability to relate to and identify with people eyeball to eyeball. Developing a safe and trustful environment is where the real work is accomplished. Leveraging a scheduled and focused effort, combined with real accountability, is Jeff Rogers’ true equation for your success.
Jeff has developed his proven P4th Business Principles; Purpose, Priority, Pride, and Passion. Combine the concepts of content, connection, and community and you better understand the way results are accomplished. Working with business owners and managers with this system has produced impressive results. Jeff Rogers Coach, Inc. is growing! Recently Jeff has earned the distinguished Certified Professional Master Business Coach designation with the Professional Business Coaches Alliance (PBCA). Additionally, Michelle Fontaine, CPBC has joined the team, a Certified Professional Business Coach, to lead the Elite Supervisor Manager Development Series now underway, and to coach clients. This alongside her responsibilities at Visual Technologies. JRCI has added additional team members who have earned their CPBC designation...the team is on the GROW! In changing times outside coaching support is a valuable resource to support personal, professional, and organizational change and adaptability. What are you intentionally doing to leverage change in your organization?
Read the full presentation by Jeffrey A. Rogers, Executive Business Coach here.