Member Testimonials

China Towne Furniture and Mattress

Crest Acura

Henry Wilson Jewelers

Marathon Energy

Visual Technologies


Members' Responses to the Question…
“If you had to identify one benefit of membership in Syracuse Execs that you value most, what would it be, and why?”

"Friendships. I have made some great friends in Execs and those friendships have led to great business both ways. It is always more comfortable dealing with a trusted friend. Syracuse Execs has been far more beneficial than all the Chambers we belong to in our various communities where we do business. Execs is a great group that really helps each other out."

"The thing I value most about SXA is the relationships built with other people. This leads to lifelong friends and business is generated from that."

"The most important benefit of SXA for me is knowing who to call for information and depend on the answer as being truthful and useful. The NETWORKING for information is the key."

"Most valuable aspect of membership is the ability to network with various members at the meetings."

"The one single benefit that I most value as a member of SXA is the networking of ideas from the knowledge and experience of fellow members."

"As a Syracuse Executives Association member of long standing, I would say that the greatest benefit of my membership is the ability to trade and network from an extraordinary group of local businessmen and businesswomen. From this, I have developed scores of professional contacts and personal friendships which mean a great deal to me. Additionally, the sharing of information, advice, news, leads, introductions and direct business as well as the socialization all have been benefits of my membership. It is a rewarding experience to be part of a business group that represents such diverse and dependable sources of supply, and who believe in the Executives Association concept."

"If I had to determine what the single largest benefit my company receives being a member of the Syracuse Executives Association, I would say it would be the direct and frequent contact (generally once a week) with numerous business owners that use the products and services that my company offers. I do have the benefit in that almost all of the SXA members depend on computers to operate their companies."

"Friendship and trust."

"No question … the biggest benefit is, if you don't know someone in town, someone in SXA does – CONTACTS, CONTACTS, CONTACTS. And just as important, the friendships with many of the Execs that are apart from business."

"Having a network of people to rely on. The network is SO important for SO many reasons! It helps with the job, establishes my reputation with many great companies both in the organization and through their referrals, and it also has become a great source of friendships… what a great network that is!! If I have to boil it down to only one thing … the network of contacts that are readily available and ALWAYS ready, willing and able to help each other!"

"The aspect of the Execs I like best is the fact that I can get together with people from businesses that are not like mine and hear what's going on. For example, how sales are, how the Home Show went, what they see as business conditions and just general conversation concerning work, but from a different perspective. I enjoy the people who attend and I have learned a lot about the area and who does what. Sometimes I feel like I may not contribute enough being somewhat new; however, attending meetings and events helps this along."

"For me, the major benefit of Syracuse Execs is the opportunity to network and be part of a beautifully organized, well-run association of the leading business people in the city. Virtually none of the dozens of people in my field that I have met across the country have this privilege, and I am extremely grateful that I do. I cannot say whether the professional gains outweigh the personal – it's bountiful both ways."

"I enjoy the fresh exchange of ideas, and learning about the different cultures and religions we have in our diverse group. There is a never ending stream of new information that always brightens my day."

"It's hard to pick just one benefit because there are so many. If I only have one, it would be that you can count on other members to give you great advice even when it doesn't have financial rewards directly to them. This makes it more than just a lead exchange. It's a group of individuals who really care about not only your business, but about you. By far it's the most outstanding organization of its kind that I've ever been associated with."

"My favorite thing is the Executive Director, next the direct business I get from the Association, and of course the electronic newsletter!"